Thursday, February 12, 2015

oh snap!

There are many things I never even gave a second thought with my singletons.  One of them is snaps.  When you are have newborns and you're up a few times in the night x 3 babies you do not want to be snapping up the legs of tiny baby pajamas.  It just takes too long when you are doing three of them in an assembly line fashion and have 2 others waiting and sometimes screaming.  I've always found when someone is screaming is when I fumble most with snaps!

My advices:  in newborn and 0-3 month sizes go with zip up jammies or the elastic bottom gowns.  They save a bit of time that will quickly add up.  Now that mine are nearly 6 months and getting up less in the night, I have been putting them to bed in snap up pajamas on occasion but even now, still prefer zippers!

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