About me

I'm a working mom, a wife, a runner, lover of the beach and my dog and my gardens.  To celebrate our 13th anniversary last year, my amazing husband and I welcomed triplets to our clan.  Babies 4,5 and 6 were meant to be our 4th and last child, a buddy to our 2 year old since our oldest two are 9 and 7, but surprise!  Someone else had other plans for us.

While preparing for the arrival of the triplets I saw a quote that I think of often.
"They say God doesn't give us more than we can handle.  Well I sure wish God would stop thinking so highly of me."

Somehow though we are handling it.  Our house is a little more messy than it used to be, and we sleep a bit less and of course we are learning a lot along the way, so I thought I'd share.

Follow me on twitter @3plustriplet and instagram @ cdittri

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