Thursday, January 15, 2015

I don't have a ton of free time and I'm not exactly looking for a hobby, but I've decided to blog...

A good friend of mine from college has a cousin who just had triplets last week, so she reached out to another friend with triplets and me to see if it'd be okay to share our contact info.  I told her I'd be happy to talk but warned that we were still in the thick of it, trying to figure it all out so I wasn't sure how helpful I'd be.  Our friend Carin, whose triplets are 3 now replied that I'd probably be more helpful in the thick of it, because her memories of the early years were spotty since you're just in survival mode.  I had been thinking of starting a triplet specific blog anyway, but Carin's words made me decide, I should get some of this down while its still fresh, assuming I can find the time to do so.  As you can imagine time is something in demand around here with 6 kids, including 4 month old triplets!  Wish me luck!

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